Tribute to Tracy Zahoryin : http://www.oxygenesis.com/tracy
i n t r o d u c t i o n
Welcome to the Tribute to Tracy Zahoryin. This online resource was created in October 1997 in order to give everyone who is interested in Tracy a place to go and find out about her life or simply look at pictures. There was not one site about her when this tribute was created.
Last updated: September 30, 2000.
Tracy Zahoryin Online Forum :
This new feature is a message board, created to serve as an interactive base for fans of Tracy to communicate with one another online. The posting of news, facts, questions, image links, and other information is encouraged.
b r i e f b i o g r a p h y
Tracy Zahoryin was born in Newberry Park, California in the summer/fall of 1976 and began her modeling career at the age of sixteen with an appearance in Seventeen Magazine.
Her modeling career brought her to New York City where she signed as an Elite Model and has since traveled the world.
She has more recently pursued acting.
f i l m o g r a p h y
[ See Tracy's filmography at IMDb ]
She played Hope in Girl, Three Guys, and a Gun, now a 2001 release (it was formerly titled Solid Ones back in 1999) by first-time writer/director Brent Florence.
She played Model #1 in Monkeybone, a 2001 film starring Brendan Fraser, Bridget Fonda, and Chris Kattan. Official Website.
She played Jason's Girlfriend in Gun Shy, a 2000 comedy starring Liam Neeson, Oliver Platt, and Sandra Bullock. Official Website.
She finished a small film entitled Burning Down the House sometime in 1998.
She played Rebecca, "a sexy yet condescending office worker and patron of the Cyber Noir Café," in Art House, a full-length independent film released in 1998. Official Website.
Tracy played a nameless fashion model in Dunston Checks In, a 1996 kids' comedy starring Jason Alexander and Faye Dunaway.
c o m m e r c i a l o g r a p h y
Tracy starred in the Emmy-nominated Levi’s Wide Leg Jeans elevator commercial with her real-life boyfriend Alex.
See articles, vidcaps, and MOV file below.
She appeared in an American Express commercial with Jerry Seinfeld at a gas station.
s i t c o m o g r a p h y
m i s c e l l a n e o u s
Tracy appeared on a Bosoms Over Broadway billboard a few years ago in Time Square, New York City.
This was probably done to promote a play or company.
Tracy has worked with both Jerry Seinfeld and Jason Alexander of "Seinfeld" fame on two entirely different projects, one a commercial and the other a film.
Submitted by Ben on July 24, 2000:
"I was an editor at SURFER Magazine for 10 years, and had the pleasure of working with Tracy Zahoryin twice.
While working with pro surfers Shane Dorian and Kelly Slater on the Guest Editor issue, I came up with the idea to call Tracy Zahoryin, who we had all spotted in a Brazilian bikini ad.
Shane and Kelly called her, and did a pretty funny interview we called "Dial a Doll."
Tracy is pretty funny, and she is absolutely drop-dead gorgeous.
She also did some modeling for a fake Christmas gift catalogue we did in SURFER.
She is a very good sport."
Tracy has appeared in a variety of ad campaigns including some underwear ads for Playtex (see image below).
t u r k i s h n e w s r e p o r t , 5 / 5 / 9 8
Hürriyet: Yaşam
Balık pulu gibi
Kadın iç giyimi ve mayo sektörüne yarım yüzyıldır damgasını vuran Kom Firması, yeni sezona iddialı bir giriş yapmaya hazırlanıyor. Birbirinden cazip 250 çeşit mayo ve bikininin çekimlerini Dominik Cumhuriyeti'nde, 21 yaşındaki manken Tracy Zahoryin'le tamamlayan firma, çarpıcı desenlerle geliyor. Puanlı, ekoseli ve küçük çiçeklilerin yanısıra, firmanın en iddialı desenini balık pulu efektliler oluşturuyor. Balık pulu görünümünde olan ve pırıl pırıl parlayan bikini ve mayolarda, sarı gibi canlı renklere ağırlık verildiği dikkat çekiyor. Hayli geniş desen yelpazesinde yılan ve leopar motifleri de yer alıyor.
Thanks to Oral Inaler for the full Turkish-to-English translation below.
Balık pulu gibi
Kom Company, a well known Turkish swimsuit producer, has shot its 1998 bikinis in The Dominican Republic with 21 year-old model Tracy Zahoryin. This year company comes with 250+ kinds of swimsuits including lots of kinds of designs. And this year's special is fishskin fabric. Fishskin is a shiny fabric, especially used as yellow or black. Company also comes with flowers, points, snake-like or leopard-like designs.
Article © 1998 Hürriyet Internet.
t v g u i d e a r t i c l e , 8 / 1 6 / 9 7
Cheers & Jeers
CHEERS to commercial creativity. For the first time this year, TV ads will be recognized with their own
category at the Emmy Awards. The nominees include the HBO promo in which wild chimps seem to deliver famous movie
lines ("I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"), the
Nike ad in which Tiger Woods asks, "Are you ready for me?" and the
Levi's spot in which a guy shyly glances over at the young woman riding in the same elevator and
suddenly sees his whole future flash before his eyes in a matter of seconds. We think it's high time these
evocative, abbreviated pieces of film were honored, but it would be fitting if
the winner's acceptance speech for this category was limited to five seconds. And speaking of awards shows.
Article excerpt © 1997 News America Publications, Inc.
l e v i ' s a d r e v i e w , 1 1 / 2 5 / 9 6
Jeans' allure hangs on elevator fastasy
by Bob Garfield
Advertiser: Levi Strauss & Co.
Agency: Foote, Cone & Belding, San Francisco
Ad Review rating: 3 1/2 stars
Ok, fine, so the young woman in the new Levi's commercial happens to be, in a certain superficial way, "sexy." But really, she's just a video pinup girl, a Lolita in wide-leg jeans, a bare midriff and barely more.
What about her depth of character? She could possibly have bad values, a narrow world view and abrasive personality. She may even like the "Jerry Springer Show."
In fact, she is so nakedly a sex object that the lingering shot of her navel will probably inflame the loins of only about, oh, 130 million people, including Jimmy Carter, Alan Alda and respected members of the clergy.
And us. (Not that we harbor any actual plan to violate the laws of God and man, but definitely a dull ache and a wistful notion. Because we are, in addition to being tireless crusaders against mindless objectification, more or less human.)
That's the point. For as the viewer meets this idealized young thing, in a wonderful spot from Foote, Cone & Belding, San Francisco, for Levi Strauss & Co., she is sharing an elevator with an equally fetching young man, who upon glancing at her bare belly assumes an expression of pained disbelief--an arguably sexist but altogether normal response to superficial perfection.
In a moment the guy's imagination will run away with him. And hers with her. And then the bland, elevator-music rendition of "You're Just Too Good to Be True" will give way, hilariously, to the Partridge Family ("Hey I think I love you. So what am I so afraid of? I'm afraid that I'm not sure of a love there is no cure for . . .") and in their separate mind's eyes, these two fantasy riders will run away with each other.
In a frantic and delightfully tongue-in-cheek sequence of romantic progression--beginning with a slo-mo run through the rain and ending with their newborn baby being smacked in the rear--the beautiful young people descend 70 floors imagining the possibilities kindled by a single bashful glance. Those possibilities, as the voice-over eventually observes, are "wiiiiide open."
Then the riders reach the lobby and, without having exchanged so much as a word . . . veer in different directions, parting forever.
Of course they do, for the genius of this spot is not its comic hypersexuality but its simple humanity. Life is full of such moments, silent interludes pregnant with possibilities but quashed by bad timing, good manners or just plain fear. In romance and every other sphere of human interaction, there are whole worlds left unexplored by averted eyes and things not said.
Or noticed.
First this commercial gets us to notice the unfamiliar cut of a sex object's Levi's Wide Leg jeans. Then, memorably, it gets us to notice a familiar part of ourselves. Advertising is at its best when information and emotion converge, and maybe best of all when the convergence yields a slice--wide or slender, serious or comic--of human truth.
A few weeks ago, saddened by a string of dismal Energizer parodies, we fretted about the bludgeoning death of a big idea. Happily, we were premature. From TBWA Chiat/Day, New York, comes yet another masterful iteration of the "keeps on going" campaign. This one, a take-off on "Twister"-like tornado chasers, documents the efforts of obsessive pink-bunny trackers. The ad delights; the big idea lives.
Article © November 1996, Crain Communications Inc.
i m a g e a r c h i v e
As a favor to me, please do not re-post these pictures on any other sites.
Levi's Wide Leg Jeans 170x139

tracy001.jpg (5.93K) |
Levi's Wide Leg Jeans 431x400

tracy002.jpg (63.5K) |
Levi's Wide Leg Jeans 485x365

tracy003.jpg (80.1K) |
Art House 435x283

tracy004.jpg (98.5K) |
Bosoms Over Broadway 235x290

tracy005.jpg (44.9K) |
Balık Pulu Gibi 165x449

tracy006.jpg (12.5K) |
Playtex advertisement 430x545

tracy007.jpg (38.7K) |
001: Commercial videocapture courtesy Levi's/FCB via TV Guide Entertainment Network.
002: Image exclusive to this site. Commercial videocapture courtesy Levi's/FCB.
003: Image exclusive to this site. Commercial videocapture courtesy Levi's/FCB.
004: Image © 1997 Art House, Dominion Entertainment L.L.C.
005: Image exclusive to this site. Original bitmap courtesy Tommy Di Resta.
006: Bikini image courtesy Kom Company via Hürriyet Internet.
007: Image exclusive to this site. Playtex advertisement scanned by 86 freeman.
m u l t i m e d i a
In each of these movies there are thousands of possible videocaptures I could add to the image archive above, but what's the point when you can download them all at once?
Title: Levi's "Elevator Fantasy"" :30
Agency: Foote, Cone & Belding, San Francisco
Copyright: 1996 Levi Strauss & Co.
File type: QuickTime MOV file
Screen size: 160 x 120 pixels
Duration: 29.27 seconds
MOV file size: 2.05 MB
Download ZIP: elevator.zip (1.84 MB)
Title: Levi's "Elevator Fantasy" :60
Director: Michael Bay, Propaganda Films
Agency: FCB, San Francisco
Copyright: http://www.directorsite.com
File type: QuickTime MOV file
Screen size: 240 x 180 pixels
Duration: 59.24 seconds
MOV file size: 1.35 MB
Download ZIP: levis_elevator.zip (1.30 MB)
Thanks to Brian Sullivan for your help.
c o n t a c t i n f o r m a t i o n
copyright © 1997-2000 oxygenesis design.
site design by oxygenesis design / ian cavalier.
contact oxygenesis.com owner ian cavalier.
Please send me an email if you have additional information, pictures, or if you've spotted Tracy in a publication of some kind.
People will receive due credit on the site for their tips and contributions.
I'd like this tribute to be as complete as possible.
